Replace any string with a new string. Not currently available because either idea window is not active or active idea window has no selected text.
This option works only on SELECTED text within an open idea. Replace any string with a new string.
Convert tabs to runs of spaces. Not currently available because either idea window is not active or active idea window has no selected text.
This option works only on SELECTED text within an open idea. Convert tabs to runs of spaces.
Convert a run of spaces to a single tab. Not currently available because either idea window is not active or active idea window has no selected text.
This option works only on SELECTED text within an open idea. Convert a run of spaces to a single tab.
Convert returns to spaces. Good for converting text from online sources for use in idea windows. Not currently available because either idea window is not active or active idea window has no selected text.
This option works only on SELECTED text within an open idea. Convert returns to spaces. Good for converting text from online sources for use in idea windows.
Convert characters in selected text. Not currently available because either idea window is not active or active idea window has no selected text.
Convert characters in selected text.
Use this menu to perform operations (formatting, insert objects) into idea window text. Unavailable because an idea window is not active.
Use this menu to perform operations (formatting, insert objects) into idea window text.
Get and apply a different color using the color wheel. Not available because front window is not an idea window.
Get and apply a different color using the color wheel.
Change background color of an idea window. Not available because front window is not an idea window.
Change background color of an idea window.
Insert the listing of the contents of a folder.
Insert a pathname for a file or folder.
Insert a link to an idea. Double-clicking on link launches the idea, switching to another topic if necessary.
Insert a checkbox object. Double-clicking toggles the box on or off.
Make and insert a recording. Double-clicking plays the sound.
Insert a link to a file. Double-clicking on link launches file.
Insert date and time.
Insert date.
Insert time.
Insert Item Into Idea Window. Not available because front idea is not an idea window.
Insert Item Into Idea Window.
This is a saved style template (#10).
This is a saved style template (#9).
This is a saved style template (#8).
This is a saved style template (#7).
This is a saved style template (#6).
This is a saved style template (#5).
This is a saved style template (#4).
This is a saved style template (#3).
This is a saved style template (#2).
This is a saved style template (#1).
Redefine any saved style templates, add new styles, or delete old ones.
Add a new style template, using characteristics of active text.
Open window which allows you to quickly launch a Topic.
Open window which allows you to quickly launch an idea.
Copy/move ideas between Topics. This option is convenient when moving/copying a large number of ideas between topics.
Change the appearance (style,color,offset) of selected idea.
Open/Hide Organizer window.
Use these commands to organize & move ideas.
Menu of available Topics.
Change the folder which is used to store Topics. You can use this to move (create backup) of current topics or select a different set of topics.
Open next Topic.
Open previous Topic.
Rename active Topic.
Delete Topic.
Create a new Topic.
Use these commands to open, rename, & delete Topics.
Alphabetize the ideas in the current Topic.
Lock and unlock text of idea window. Not enabled because front window is not an idea window.
Lock and unlock text of current idea window.
Close all idea windows.
Select next window behind active window.
Open next idea. Not available because no idea window is active.
Open previous idea. Not available because no idea window is active.
Open next idea.
Open previous idea.
Rename selected/active idea. Not available because no idea selected/active.
Rename selected/active idea.
Delete selected/active idea. Not available because no idea selected/active.
Delete selected/active idea.
Create a new idea.
Use these commands to open, rename, move, & delete ideas.
Install an alias in the apple menu items folder.
Install an alias in the startup folder so Idea Keeper is opened when the computer starts up.
Change location of background window.
Modify Auto Indent options.
Specify when you want Idea Keeper to warn you before taking a particular action.
Modify general Idea Keeper preferences.
Find a string of text, continuing a previous search if possible.
Find a string of text in an idea.
Sub-menu of actions (text conversions) which work on selected text within an active idea window. Not currently available because either idea window is not active or active idea window has no selected text.
Select all text. Unavailable because no text objects active.
Select all text.
Clear selected text. Unavailable because no text objects active.
Clear selected text.
Paste contents of clipboard. Unavailable because no text objects active.
Paste contents of clipboard.
Copy selected text. Unavailable because no text objects active.
Copy selected text.
Cut selected text. Unavailable because no text objects active.
Cut selected text.
Undo last action. Unavailable because no text objects active.
Undo last action.
Edit/Find/Preferences actions and options.
Import Archived/Backup Topic file.
Import a folder of TEXT files.
Import TEXT file as a new idea.
Import TEXT files or archived/backup Topic files.
Save a backup of all Topics - save in a folder called "Idea Keepter Backup ニ" in a user defined location.
Save backup of Topic. This does not remove topic from Idea Keeper.
Archive Topic. This removes the topic from Idea Keeper.
Export all of the ideas in the active topic & save them as separate TEXT files in a folder.
Save selected idea as a TEXT file.
Export ideas and Topics.
Apply default window style to active window.
Use current window settings (size, location, tab size, & color) as default.
Apply default text style to selected text.
Use active text in idea window as default. You can also manually modify the default text style in the "Edit Style Templates" item in the Text menu.
Default Text and Window Settings
Quit this application.
Setup printing options. Not available because frontwindow is not idea window.
Setup printing options.
Print all ideas.
Print idea. Not available because frontwindow is not idea window.
Print idea.
Options for exporting items from Idea Keeper.
Options for importing items into Idea Keeper.
Get information on idea window, including tab stop size. Not enabled because front window is not idea window.
Get information on idea window, including tab stop size.
Close front window. Not enabled because no windows are active.
Close front window.
Revert to saved ideas.
Save all ideas in active Topic.
Use this menu to work with documents.
Register this copy of Idea Keeper. It is through this option that you can disable the shareware warning messages. However, to Register Idea Keeper you must first pay for it!!
Get a list of acknowledgments of those people who contributed to the development of Idea Keeper.
Get Information about this version of Idea Keeper.
Apple Menu.
Change offset from left side of list. Not available because Organizer window not in front, or no idea selected in list.
Change offset from left side of list.
Change text style. Not available because Organizer window not in front, or no idea selected in list.
Change text style.
Change color. Not available because Organizer window not in front, or no idea selected in list.
Change color.
Change the appearance of ideas in the Organizer window. Not available because either Organizer window is not active or no idea is selected in the idea list.
Change the appearance of ideas in the Organizer window.